Sunday, July 10, 2011

LDS When a ward is divided . to whom do you appeal?

A controversy involving moral interpitude; the ward is divided down the middle some in support of a woman who is pregnant from a rape; others virtually painting her with a scarlet A . The stake president lives in our ward and is in the thick of the scuffle. The Bishop has come down in support o the opposite view. It is kind of tearing things apart and I am not the only one sick of it and on the verge ofjust not going to church at all; there is a nucleus of several of us who attend an emptynester FHE who all feel the same.Like that we just need to meet with each other once a week, but then we ar deprived of Sacrament, since authority is not thereeven though several priesthoodholders are present.Who do I talkto? I know that there is some way and Church should not be about internal catfights.

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