Wednesday, July 20, 2011

All of Sweden's auto industry have been taken over by Chinese companies, so Swedish girls better like Chinese?

lol u funny man, but the truth of the matter is that girls only like guys who make them laugh lol! ;)

What is the best armour to wear for mage dueling in runescape?

ok so i want to make good money on staking with my 99 mage at the dueling arena but i need to know what armour to buy i have 105m so money isnt an issue i just need to know what armour is good bonus i have 60 attack and 1 defence but im aming twords 70 so any armour between 1-70 will work please help any advice would help as well thanks so much!

Is this drawing decent?

I'd say it's pretty cool and shows that you have real talent. I think you could improve on technique but it's still really good. Keep drawing!

Honour killings in Turkey?

I think honour killing is more innocent than juvenile homicide. IN USA and IN UK, there are so many juvenile homicides that is big problem for society. 10 years old many children have killed their parents in USA ,also in Europe recent decades.

I'M Going to Istanbul, can you help?

Don't worry about anything in Istanbul. I think it is just like London or Paris. I mean you are in safe. Turkish people usually like helping tourists.

Money-Making in Runescape?

Hey I've been looking for ways to make money but every guide I find has been outdated or exposed to much. Plus Bots have been destroying skilling prices such as fishing. I have about a 1m budget and I've already messed the account up for staking. I'm looking for 600k+ an hour method. Thanks! ONE MORE THING, Combat is out of the question.

How do i respond to this?

Don't deal. They're not worth it. I had a friend who controlled me like that and when she ditched me, it destroyed me 100%. I was depressed and couldn't handle anything. Find someone who'll treat you right and get out of that relationship. You are better than that. You deserve better. Never let them-or anybody-tell you differently. I know you feel like you need them, but you don't. Believe me. Try talking to a girl who you see around school who's in some of your classes who you know is nice. But don't try to deal. You need to feel good about yourself and have friend who love you. Please, treat yourself right and leave the relationship.

Emotional and stressful on the day of my embryo transfer.?

I did my embryo transfer on 6/22/11, on that day when i got home for some reason i felt very emotional and cried for anything, and later during the day i was very stressed and felt very anxious because my son had a surgery the 23rd the day after my embryo transfer, and my ex- husband was not willing to take him. So there was no choice but for me to go with him, so the next day i had to be in the hospital by 6:00am and stayed there for 7 hours, i felt very guilty for not resting and being relaxed the day of my ET and day after, ever since I been stressing off and on everyday until today day 7 after ET a lot of times i have a feeling my pregnancy test will result negative because of my fault. Has anyone out there went through a tough time like this and still got pregnant? Any advice

Taylor swift accidently took a picture with a guy who had a swastika on his t-shirt does this mean ...?

she hates jews ? her rep. said taylor did not see the swastika and even the guy with the swastika apologized to taylor for dragging her into the incident . so is she innocent or guilty ? or is it the guy's fault ?

Is 93 in TOEFL good for PhD in an English-speaking country?

It's a very good score with all the partials being above 20. Congratulations. Most PhD programmes will be OK with it. For some particular cases (don't know which though, as I'm not too familiar with your profession), they may ask for 100+, but you can always re-sit the test if so.

Am I allowed to go out of airport to meet a friend in Istanbul while I travel from UK to Cairo?

Does anyone know how the procedure goes in airports...I am planning to fly from Manchester, UK to Cairo, Egypt and would like to know that am I allowed to meet my friend in Istanbul where I will have land over of 12 h in Istanbul before continuing my flight to Cairo? I have finnish passport and would like to ask do I need to have visa also to Turkey if I just stay for less than 10 h there? I would be pleased if anyone would know about this. Thank you!

Is it possible to send Australian wine from Australia to Turkey?

I wish to use either Australia Post or a courier company like TNT to send 2 bottles of Australian Wine (one red and one white) to friends in Istanbul Turkey. Is this possible? All I can find on the Turkish customs site is that you can bring two bottles in with you via the airport nothing about mail or courier.

Based on these points, what do you think of my parents?

My parents are the same, but it may be because they feel that with all the material objects you have had less of a social life (ergo no ambitions). I don't like talking to my parents about anything either, but by law your pyschologist isnt allowed to give any information, it would break contract and they would get fired or possibly sued.

Friend rescued me from being raped.?

Tell him that there wasn't much more he cojld have done and that u love him for what he did and just hug him or kiss him on the cheek

Why did my boyfriend melt?

me and my brother and my hunk of a sexilicious boyfriend all went swimming at a pool but we grabbed some socks from netto first but after that we than went swimming at swimserszoo's and it was my fault i told my boyfriend to come in the steamroom with me so we could have a smooch and that privately and have fun but than my boyfriend started making random breathing noises and it was then he started sweating like my pig bill and i was like you sweating over me and tan he didn't reply so i punched him and then i felt liquid dropping on my boob and i thought it was my bf gregory weeing on my boob than i noticed it was this weird liquid and i looked and my bf had gone than i saw something wet where my bf was and it was his eyes in liquid i was totally scared so i called my bumblebee on the phone and asked why had he melted, so i killed my own lover and drank him the next day and ever since ive kept his eyeballs and they always look at me and sneak inside my bum i'm scared PLEASE ANSWER?

I don't know if this girl like me or just want to be friend?

Well she's told you exactly what she wants and that's to be friend. Her ex boyfriend obviously did not treat her right so she probably just wants to be single for a while. Don't start ignoring her, she clearly wants you as a friend so still keep in touch and start trying to avoid her. She tells you her personal stuff which shows she trusts you. Maybe she does not want to be in a relationship right now, but she might later on, so don't avoid or ignore her since it'll just ruin your friendship with her.

Why does God create people knowing they will suffer all their days?

I HATE God because He created me and placed me in a evil world full of pain and suffering. I will never forgive God for creating me forcing me to live this life in the flesh when it isn't my fault I'm here. I hate God.

Relationship advice, heart at stake, please HELP!!!?

So theres this girl who I've known now for 1 1/2 years. She got out of a relationship about 7 months and we dated for 2 weeks shortly after. She said during that time that she was falling in love with me, but broke it off and said that she wasnt ready to date anyone yet. It's been 7 months and she says shes still not ready for a relationship. I've told her that I love her and when I ask how she feels, she usually says "I adore you", but has told me that she loves me a couple of times before. I've been hurting for these 7 months, not knowing what might come when she is ready to date someone. I've asked all the questions, but she cant ever seem to give me a straight answer. She hasnt dated anyone else and either have I. We see eachother maybe once every week or two and usually text or talk once a day, though sometimes we go days without any contact. When I ask if she's over me yet and thats why she doesnt talk to me, she says "stop that, I dont like it". A couple of weeks ago I tried to make her jealous and said that I was dating another girl. She didnt answer my text, so I called her and she was crying. Her friends said that she was crying so hard she was puking. She then decided to take a trip to another state to visit with her family as she was so upset about it. I'm going crazy just sitting here and waiting and not knowing what may or may not happen, but I cant bring myself to date someone else because I'm in love with her. She doesnt seem interested half the time, but when we do hangout, she tells me that she feels more comfortable with me than anything else, compliments me by calling me hot and has jumped me on many occasions. When we roughhouse, we usually stare into eachothers eyes for a few seconds and then she kisses me on the forehead because we are just friends and she doesnt want to play it as anything else. So when I bring it up and me moving on to someone else, she gets upset. When I bring it up that I feel like she doesnt like me, she gets upset. Yet, we are not dating and she says shes not ready. Am I just overly freaking out here with trying to guard my heart or does she genuinely seem interested? Please answer guys and girls

What to do when i'm getting sued?

I got into a car accident that was my fault about a year ago. Yesterday i received a court summon in the mail saying I am being sued for her injuries. I remember correctly, that i was the one with more damage, could not get out the car without any assistance and she was the first one to get out of the car. I remember her being angry and telling the cops she was not injured in any way. I am 19 years old and being sued with 25,000 dollars. What should i do?

Should i leave him? its gone bad?

i have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now, at first it was amazing, i loved him, i still love him deeply, but all he does is make me upset. everything i do is always wrong to him, he hims faults in me all the time. i fall asleep most nights crying, and it has got to the point now that i have started to cut myself. is it best if i leave him and cut the negativity out my life? help

Where can I stay in Istanbul?

I am planning a holiday to Istanbul, Turkey and I look for nice, not very expensive hotels? Do you have any suggestions? Thank you! any advice will be appreciated!

Am i right or is my friend right?

Okay, i live in texas and my friend lola (using fake name) lives in Georgia. I used to live in Georgia but I moved a year ago but we still talked to each other. Well anyways a week ago I took a 13 hour drive just to spend the whole week with her, Well on the second day she decides to get her cousin raven (used another fake name) and spend every second with her. I found it stupid cause she can spend time with her anytime she wanted to since they live right next to each other but me and lola only had a week. She didn't even knew I was there when raven was there, all she wanted to do was to hang out with raven. And when I tried to talk to her she would just ignore me and continue to talk to raven. I felt so neglected! On Wednesday I decided to go to my other friends house cause there was no point of staying in lola's house. when I got to my other friends house lola started texting me and kept asking why i left and said she felt like we didn't talk as much. We would of talked more if raven didn't get in the way! I didn't take a 13 hour trip just to feel neglected!!! And ever since that night she texted me we haven't spoke once to each other! Am i right? Is this all my fault?!?!?!? Cause she says its my fault!!! If raven wasn't there this would of never happened!!! What should I do?!?!

How can I slow down the wind?

My house sits up on a small hill above the other homes here.The wind I get is crazy.It lifts my furniture,takes my umbrellas over the fence to the road.I was thinking that tress would help.This is the best way to describe the layout. backyard.Come out of door,to the right is patio,open area and neighbors door,go straight and that is where pool is,surrounded by bushes.Turn right and more open space then my fence.The road is on the other side of this fence.I have tied things down,the ground won't hold stakes well,because the earth is clay.Any ideas?I had a swing out there,the wind moved it forward,then sideways and it crashed through my bedroom windows.We are talking fierce wind here.Thank you for taking the time to read this.I'm thinking along the lines of landscaping differently????

Does this sound like a lot of traveling to you?

You're 15 so have loads of energy, and it sounds like a lot of travelling but it's easily do-able. Quite envious :) Enjoy, especially Istanbul, think that might be the highlight of your trip.

Found Out I have a 4 year old daughter?

Right now Im 25 and a few years ago I was, to say the least, out of control. I was into drugs and I had a lot of flings with different women. In the last 3 years Ive been completely clean and I got my life back in order. However a few months ago one of my exes showed up at my place. She had a little 4 year old girl and she said she was mine. I could tell that she was still pretty messed up and I didn’t believe her that the kid was mine, but at the same time I felt really bad for the little girl and tried to get her and her mom to come inside. I was going to call the police because the little girl didn’t look like she was being taken care of and her mom was definitely on something when she showed up. I went to go get the little girl some water and when I came back the mom was gone and she had left her little girl. I called the police but I went to the police station with the little girl because they wanted to take my statement . I asked about the girl and started to wonder if she really was mine. We took a dna test and it turned out she’s my daughter. I feel so guilty that I didn’t know about this sooner. Her name is Maya and she’s so sweet even though she’s been through a lot of bad things. I recently won custody of her and now she lives with me. I tried to get her mom help but shes disappeared and no one has heard from her in months. Even though Maya is sweat and I love her very much I can tell that she’s very scared by all of this. She seems to trust me but she’s very nervous around people. She has scars on her back and im so appalled that no one took her away from her mother sooner and that no one realized that she was being abused. At the same fault I know that its my fault she was even in that situation to begin with and I hate myself for that. I want her to feel comfortable and happy and she is at times but she just gets so scared so easily. What can I do to help her adjust to all that is happening easier?

Is Istanbul gay friendly?

I know Turkey is mostly Muslim but that doesn't mean anything because in Texas we're also very conservative and Austin is a very gay friendly city.

What would win in a fight, 3 Rottwielers vs a Lion?

You must be joking why would you want to see something like that ? I hope all the animals turn on the spectators and bite great big chunks out of them.

What is the cheapest and most efficient way to travel from ankara to Istanbul and Greece?

The other answer seems accurate for Ankara-Istanbul. But where in Greece are you going from Istanbul? If it Athens, then planes are the best option. If it's somewhere in the north of Greece, a bus or train would be better.

I Can't Turn on My Macbook !!!?

So Yesterday I Tried to turn on my mac and it just went to white screen and had some 3 beep noise and today it's the same i have two systems on it Windows And Mac and i had it on windows last time so I'm not sure maybe it's RAM's fault. And I can't even reset my pram because it just won't do, maybe because it was on windows :\\ Could somebody Please help i'm not in US and in this country there is no Apple Stores were i can take it :\\ Maybe any options how i can fix it on my own!!!

San Andreas fault over due for a big earthquake....?

I need an experts opinion on this, I'm 18 and I live 20 feet from the San Andreas fault in Lake Elizabeth California (11 miles from Lancaster California) the earthquake is predicted to be a 7.8 magnitude or above. What are the chances of me and my family surviving if we run outside??

Is this a good western saddle for speed events?

I am doing western speed events like keyhole, stake and bend, straightaway barrels and flag race. I know its exspensive....I was thinking about leasing it for a month. But is this a good saddle for western speed events??? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Was this my fault for losing this guy? Or was he just a jerk?

I went out with this guy and was totally into him. I ended up sleeping with him the second time around, he told me all these sweet things that I was beautiful and that I could even visit him when he went overseas. Anyway, he went overseas and was planning on being there for awhile, we kept in touch on facebook, I wrote him sweet things and he wrote me back. When I didn't hear from him, I would keep writing to him -just sweet messages. He told me to leave him alone and accused me of being "obsessed" with him. WTF? He was the one that found ME first. I found out that he got engaged. I was hurt and pissed. He told me "We never discussed a relationship or anything close to that." Ok, we didn't talk about a relationship, but seriously, he told me things like, "You could visit me overseas," and "I miss you too, wish there was something we could do." Doesn't that make you think there's something more? Was this my fault for not asking him for a relationship? I wanted things to just happen. I was waiting for him to ask me that he wanted something serious or that he wanted me to be his girl. I keep beating myself up over this!!! What went wrong?

Did I kill my fittonia (nerve) plant?

I was sick the last couple and I forgot to mist my plant and check its soil. The soil got really dry. The leaves were a little yellow, a few were shriveled, and one of the limbs of the plant was completely slouched over but still green. When I noticed, I watered and misted it with lukewarm water, and put a humidifier beside it for the night. I used a stake and some twisty ties to prop up the drooping limb. I wanted to know if there was anything else I could do for it, and if you think it will make it. Thanks.

Amaryllis plant did not flower last year or this year.?

PLant did flower other years. Twice one year. Have separated 5 bulbs from "mother". This is the 2nd yr. for little plants. No flower stakes but lots of leaves. So how do I get them to flower? Or do I compost them & buy new plant?

Will my ex boyfriend come back?

I am so much in love with my ex who I have dated on and off for 3 years. When I first dated him, I knew it wasn't a good idea because he was a virgin and he had never had a girlfriend. He is 24 and I am 26. Not many people consider him a good looking guy but I consider myself a pretty girl. We even lived together for about a year. In the 3 years of us dating, he has broken up with me about 4 times and some of those times told me he didn't think he loved me anymore. But he would always come back. One time it was over a month, one time it was a week. And he would always tell me that he realized he loved me too much to end things. He wasn't a cheater, but he did lie about a lot of small things, and I would constantly try and talk to him about it, but he would always get really angry and I would always end up crying my eyes out. There were a lot of times that he would leave me for the night because we would get in an argument and it really hurt me. I am the type of person who wants to work things out with the one I love and talk about things, but he always would turn away from me. Besides the arguments, we had a lot of good times together also. There were so many things we did together for fun and we loved to go to the gym together and go out with friends together. The last time he broke up with me, I was devastated. I wanted us to stay together and work things out. But he told me he didn't love me and wasn't allowing himself to love me. So we kept hanging out all the time like we were still dating but when I would tell him I loved him, he said he wasn't ready to say it again yet. We kept spending time together and he would be loving towards me like we were together. But then we had another argument 2 nights ago. He said that everything is my fault and that I just don't work for him. I sat there and cried my eyes out and he said that we have to end this. And then he stopped talking to me again. I am hurting so bad because I am so much in love with him and I don't understand how he can just stop loving me. He is even going out and having a good time while i'm sitting at home crying. Will he ever want me back like he did so many times before or is he happy without me? Will he regret his decision?

My HTC Thunderbolt screen just went dark wtf do i do?

Okay i was in my car outside someones house staking out(long story) n it was hot as ***** so i was sweating profusely while talking to her on the fone n it seems my sweat has gotten into the phone? and cause the screen to black out i can still touch n operate the fone but i cant see anything at all. am i gonna have to buy a new phone? or jus wait till the sweat inside dries up? or is there anything else i could possible do.

Iam going either to poland (warsaw) or turkey (istanbul)?

I am a vegetarian ( no meat,no fish ).Which place could be a better choice to go being vegeterian ?Where can i get maybe bread/ice cream/cheese in more probability .

Morocco or Turkey? Please Help!!?

so I have a choice to either go to Turkey or Morocco...I have been to Morocco almost 18 times for three months but this time I am going one of the amazing cities in Morocco is "Ifran" I speak Moroccan and French..but then I won a ticket for a month in Turkey "Istanbul"...I never went to Turkey, I don't speak Turkey but it was my biggest dream to go to Turkey...their culture is what do you think..which country would u go? are Turkeys welcoming people?? I cant go a month in Turkey and two months in Morocco cuz i have to head back UK for my studies (summer school)....please advise me I have three days left to make this decision????

What's wrong with me?

I find that when I'm doing something important, I can't motivate myself. I know what's at stake, but I just can't bring myself to the task. I really don't understand it.

Most beautiful places in Turkey in terms of natural scenery and weather?

i am going to Turkey on a 2 week vacation with my family (two 6 yr kids); i'll stay most of the time in istanbul, yet i wanna know which is the most beautiful place(s) to visit and what should be mode of transport from Istanbul to such place(s)

Is zoloft a prescription drug in Turkey?

I am currently taking zoloft in the US and will be moving to Istanbul, Turkey in a month for a job. I'm just wondering about the logistics of getting this medication while in Turkey. Can I get it over the counter? If not, do I need a prescription from a Turkish doctor? Can I use a prescription from an American doctor to get medication in Turkey? Also, does anyone know about medical confidentiality in Turkey? Could an employer in Turkey obtain my medical records if I saw a Turkish doctor? Thanks in advance for the info.

What are the best Turkish foods I should have on my Istanbul trip?

if I were you, I would try Bursa Iskender Kebab or Doner...Dine in restaurants--some meats are exported, so you should ask your cook, waiter, or waitress about whether food is halal or not.

Is it other peoples fault Muslims are killing Muslims?

How Intelligent is that? Or does it have more to do with greed and selfishness on the part of all those who participate?

In Istanbul/turkey,which is better, Takseem or Old City area?

if i want to go to Istanbul/turkey, which is better to stay at? a hotel in Takseem area or a hotel in the old city? and why?

Why is everything blamed on me?

Basically my "friend"( friend a ) just go in a whole heap of trouble at school and he's blaming it all on me. Heres the story a couple of months back he asked me for a friends email address i gave the address then suddenly he's hacked into this friends ( friend b) facebook account and posted bad stuff then another friend (friend c) took evidence of this and showed it to friend b who showed the teachers and now because this isn't the first time friend A has cyberbullied he got into aheap of trouble maybe even expelled and he's blaming it all on me i explained saying you asked me for the email i didn't tell friend c i didn't give him evidence it was friend b but he doesn't belive it and he's all like " cool good for you", "Bye" " I don't give a **** it's all your fault" any ideas?

Hey How Do You Get Back Naked Pictures of Yourself Over Cyber Space?

I made the stupid mistake of putting up a picture of myself naked on craigslist in the men's section. I was seeing somebody at the time to, I told her about it but I don't think she really understood what exactly it was I did lol I didn't have sex with any of these people I was just in a really really dark and lonely place in my life and I sent out the picture as a mental relief, it was weird I guess I just wanted the attention. I didn't know what I was doing and I just want to leave the past behind and forget about what I did this year without this empty feeling at the pit of my stomache lol. Is there any way I can get them back? My happiness is at stake here.

Christians: why don't most of you think this way?

Why don't you guys just worry about your own salvation, and let God deal with the hearts and minds of the people who aren't like you? People who are gay for example, or a different religion, or someone who isn't religious at all. If your OWN eternal life is at stake then don't you have ENOUGH to worry about? Why do so many religious people even have TIME to be hateful to others, wouldn't that just backtrack them from their ultimate goal which is to be like Jesus, the very think they want out of other people?

Is Jesus the son of God? what do the Jehovah witness people think?

Actually, I do not care what they is not my place to approve or disapprove of anyones religious's non-productive

Is Istanbul safe for a Greek?

Yes, it's perfectly safe. Most Turkish, like most Greeks have already forgotten old disputes and fighting. Just try not talk about old political subjets and enjoy the kidness of Turkish people the same they enjoy when visiting Greece. Love both countries.

Hypothetically, would Jesus have stayed dead if the Romans had known to drive a stake through his heart?

Any human would stay dead dead with a stake through his heart. Of course, some mythical beings like Jesus can magically come back to life. This makes for a great story, and we LOVE great stories.

What happened in 24.06.1459 in Istanbul?

The birth of the Armenian werewolf....made in the secret lab....out of swamp water, chicken droppings, evil whiskers, drop of moonshine and cubic metre of black hole darkness.

Is Job Corp worth attending, and is it a better option then finishing High School?

Alright, I will be 16 this August, and my Aunt mentioned Job Corp to me. Here is what has been going on in my life the past year. My mom, has basically abandoned me and my little sister. We are fine because we are with our father, and he takes very good care of us and provides any thing we need, and is very concerned about our education. I attended 7th grade two years ago, which I passed, but have not since then returned to school.. It's a very complicated story, and I won't go into detail.. But I can tell you that it was my mothers fault. It was her responsibility to make sure we were in school/have a ride to and from school etc... She never handled any of that. But on with the other stuff.. We do not associate with her any more. I am very frightened at the thought of returning to school, and not knowing how to do any of the assignments, or school work. My Aunt has always been here for me through thick and thin. She is one of the people I respect the most out of my whole mothers side (they are sisters) She also is in law school studying to become a lawyer. She was previously a nurse. She mentioned to me, that I could consider Job Corp, and sent me a link via my facebook page. I have read over the Job Corp official page, and have read all of the details about the center that I may be moving to if I decide that this is what I actually want to do. I'm really trying to get my life back together.. I feel like I'm never going to get any where, or have any form of education, and I'll end up working at a fast food restauraunt.. This is why I'm asking you. The Job Corps page said that they can help me earn my Highschool Diploma/GED. And give me job training, and afterwards help me get into a college. This all sounds so great, and it sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to get back on track. So basically what I'm asking is.. Should I sign up for Job Corp this year, and give it a shot? Or just return to highschool and wait another four or five years to get my Diploma. Keep in mind that the Job Corp program takes any where from 8 months to 2 years to complete. I want to choose the one that is best for my education and future. I've been reading a lot on it, and I have came across a lot of negative feedback. Like that Job Corps did not help them in any way, and that it wasted two years of their lives etc.. I mean, if I have to.. I will go back to High School, and graduate.. But I want what is in my best interest. Please help because I have to make this decision before the school year begins in a month and a half.

Can you sell airline tickets online?

I bought a roundtrip airline ticket to Istanbul from Minneapolis. I am pondering if I really want to go or not. So i am wondering if people can sell already purchased airline tickets online? Thanks

How safe is egypt right now?

my family wanted to do a middle eastern vacation to istanbul, jerusalem and possibly cairo... how safe is egypt at the moment? we would like to do in december

A history question, please help 10 points?

How was the Treaty of sevres developed? It was made after the Occupation of Istanbul, in response to what? Please help!!

Anyone else find burning at the stake highly amusing?

i think its crazy that we used to burn people alive for sacrifices and witch accusations. its a wonderful form of punishment in my opinion. what we should have done to Osama.

I hate my life please help? :(?

Im in tears, I got the lowest in the glass and now im in a glass with a bunch of idiots who cant spell there own name. I got 1 out of 20 In my test. The only thing im very good at is art, and I used to doodle in my book because I was that obsessed with drawing noe im trying to stop. I've had one to one tuition in maths but that didnt help the woman was old and clearly had no idea what she was doing. :( I dont want to fail, I want a job but the only thing that helps me learn is drawing and I csnt even do that, Im in tears as I write this I dont care if I seem like a baby In my primary school my teachers used to blame me for everything, used to rip up my certificates and then blame it on me so I would get sent to another class, I asked mum so many times if I could move but she said nothing would change. And now its there fault im failing. I hate my life so much I have No friends I get picked on:( And having autism is not the most exciting thing to be diagnosed with either. The only thing I can do is art and I only have it one time a week. Please help what should I do?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why is it when a Christian comes along preaching repentence...?

Take it somewhere else preacher boy, this place is for Q&A about religion, not whoring for sky daddy.

Where is Istanbul located?

I have extra credit to do..and so far I think it's Constantinople, Turkey. Any help? Is that even right?

I'm in so much trouble please help :O?

I have two groups of friends that don't like each other. All of both groups like me. Group A are really fun to hang around with like if your with them your always laughing. And even though i'm not completely part of there group I don't ever get left out. Group B contains my very best friend. The thing is in that group sometimes no one has anything to say a lot of tension is about especially now. Me and my best friend fell out because I felt like she was replacing me for another girl in the group. My best friend was really nice and said she'd never replace me and all that. I think it was more of the other girls fault really. Sometimes in there group i get left out but only since something that happened with my best friend. A few weeks ago the two groups had an argument. The other group told my best friend that she was to clingy with me. Ever since my best friends been being different when others are around. She finally said to me yesterday why because it was making me unhappy and she said it was cos' of what they said. They all hate her the other group :L According to group B group A are trying to take me. okay yes that's true. Yesterday group A gave me an ultimatum they basically said "Your either with us or your not" I wanna go wth them cos' its such fun :) But I don't wanna lose my best friend cos' when its just us two i have a load of fun too :) Today's gonna be so tough :( Also another reason not to go with group B is cos' the girl who wants to replace my best friend kinda is ignoring me. :( So i will get left out if i go with them and if i do i'll never have the other group to go to again. HELP ME!

West Ham vs Millwall next year, its gonna be a massacre?

Millwall fans probably cannot even name one player on their team, they will just want to destroy upton park to peices, i pity which ever staions gets the coverage.

I know this is long relationship question but I need some outside advice and you get major karma for answering?

It sounds easier said than done but you really need to leave him or at least go on a break so he appreciates you. Maybe see a counsellor and rebuild your confidence so you can believe that you deserve better and you won't be alone forever if you dump him. You're only 24, you can find love at any age and you are still so young. This man has issues and you deserve better.

Is it normal for a female dog to become aggressive after being spayed?

I have just had my 6 month old female husky spayed and she has suddenly gone from being sweet and quite submissive to a bit of a hot-head. It's been almost 2 weeks since her operation and she isn't fully healed (although she is acting like it by running around all the time!), so I understand she may be feeling vulnerable. She never directs this anger toward me or my boyfriend, however has begun directing it at her brother (he has also been fixed so it's not down to him trying to have sex with her or anything). They had a fight today over absolutely nothing and I tried as hard as I could to separate them but she just kept launching at him every time I got her away. She eventually got mad with me trying to intervene and as she was trying to get at him, she bit my leg and it is now a bit bruised and swollen (before anyone says anything, I realise this was my own fault but it was getting out of hand. I had no choice!). Is it normal for them to behave like this when they have had this kind of operation? This really scared me and I had a bit of a panic attack afterwards because it has never took me so long to get them apart before. They usually stop as soon as I tell them to but this time they ignored me and just carried on. She has done this about 4 times since her operation, and every single time I have seen no clear reason for it (i.e. fighting for possession of food, toys etc). She just starts the fight and even when he is willing to back off, she won't stop and doesn't care if we are in the way.

Do I look like a person who picks her nose and flicks boogers at children and beggars?

I find dry bogies or as you say "boogers" are wasted on kids so I wait until I have a wet one so the little f00kers have to struggle to get them off their stupid little 'orrible personage......and whilst Im here, am I pretty, pregnant or just drunk?.....Im going with drunk and pretty

I am going to Istanbul this summer and I need some advice?

I am going to istanbul at the first of august and I want to buy a lot of clothes [brands] like ralph lauren . lacoste and others but I dont know if shopping in istanbul is cheaper than in usa or what?????? and what are the best places to shop these brands

My family is pissing me off. How should I proceed?

I think you need to sit your family down and tell them how you feel. And if it's easier reading from a letter, do so. I'm sorry you're in such a terrible situation...

Middle eastern vacation tips?

my family is dying to head to the middle east. obviously, we don't want to go anywhere where there is an extremely elevated risk, although we do know that there is risk anywhere in the world. i know egypt is probably out of the question, but we are definitely heading to istanbul, turkey. we would like to go one or two other places...any suggestions? beirut? jerusalem? petra? any tips/suggestions are welcome!

Is science eating the lunch of religion (see below)?

Science is not possible without God. He constructed it. Science does not disprove God and never will.

Can anyone help me write history paragraph?

I am not sure why you are having so much trouble - you have the MLK quotes - have you read any quotes by Malcolm X? In general Malcolm X was more militant then Dr. King. King advocated non-violent resistance to injustice(as a result alot of his followers ended up in jail), while Malcolm X advocated potential violent resistance - but mostly encouraged his followers to be assertive, intelligent, and responsible. He was a Nation of Islam minister and followed principles of the Quaran. Dr. King was a evangelical Christian - both used their faith to promote their actions in the civil rights movement. Both were assasinated by individuals who felt threatened by their actions and words. You should do fine - especially if it is only a paragraph. Contrast their styles, religion, and means of resistance - and you should be able to write a good pragraph. Hope this helps.

Is this my fault..........?

Okay, I'll start with I'm a 13 year old girl. In school everyone hates me but it's for no reason. Everyone just talks about me and are mean to me and I try so hard to not let it get to me but it always does. They always say stuff like I have no friends and im ugly and no one will ever like me(even though I have a boyfriend). It just really hurts because I feel like I've done nothing wrong. Then at home my older sister, mom, and dad basically hate. And no I'm not over reacting they actually say that all the time. They just always yell and curse at me and I try to get out of there way and just stay in my room but they just come to my room and yell. My mom has called me a Wh*re, Sl*t, B*tch what ever you can think of. But I'm not any of those and I just take everything to the heart and it hurts alot. And they say stuff like your so fat so I guess I just freaked out about that and started starving myself for days and making myself throwup. I think they know but they dont care. About six months ago I started to cut myself. And yeah I know it's really wrong and it doesn't help but I didn't stop until about three weeks ago. So then I decided maybe it would make me feel better if I told someone. So I told my mom about a week ago. All she said was don't do it again. And I really, really wanted to help myself so I asked her if I could go to therapy and she no. That I couldn't go becaus therapist dont care about people they just want money then she said that we werent going to talk about this again. So now I'm just lost and don't know what to do. I felt proud for actually wanting help then she just said no. People were all "go tell a couseler" but schools over. I have no one I'm really close to eaither... and yeah I have considered killing myself.

Where can I get heart sunglasses NOT ONLINE in Istanbul, Turkey?

I want to get these cute heart sunglasses from Istanbul, Turkey but I cant find any. PLease help me!

What so great about Istanbul?

I don't have much to add to what has already been said...but....I have been to ISTANBUL and it is truly one of the great cities of the world. If you miss out on Istanbul, you will miss a lot.

What should i see when i go to Istanbul ?

Well i'm going to Istanbul on Wednesday (well i used to go on Monday , but i had something to do in school) ... what should i see there , what is something beautiful i should visit ..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can I find a job in Turkey that's NOT teaching English!?!?

i ve been in turkey. maybe you could work at the airports as a consultant or something ? or since you studying political science, you might wanna place an ad in the turkish papers.

Best way to get from JFK to Laguardia airports?

I am a first time traveler per say ive never had to switch airports before and new york city is going to be my first place. my plane lands at 3:50 at JFK and i fly at LaGuardia at 7:40. i need a safe, cheap, and fast way to get from JFK to LaGuardia i have heard shuttle buses work but i am not sure how to go about getting on one or knwing what stop to get off at. i am 18 and a female obviously so safety is on the top of my lists. any help would be appreciated. but only serious comments, this is my time and kind of my life at stake here!!

How would you punctuate this in line with Christian teaching and why?

It's a rubbishy book - did you know there's bits of it say that some guy walked on water and died and came back to life and took off into the sky and all sorts of silly stuff like that.

Teacher confiscated my ruler, what should I do?

I say speak you mind and tell the coordinator that it was wrong for her to do that. For one how can she not tell that this is your possession unless she is a complete and utter incompetent buffoon. Second why would she then give it to the art department if you had it the smart thing would of been to keep it in her desk chances are she thought it was cool and now has possession of it. Finally she has no right to say its your fault for not telling her when she should of already guessed that it was yours in the first place. I say make them pay for a new one and to what kind of sentimental value did it have just saying because that will help with the story.

Do Jehovahs Ws stake their lives on what some man says "abstain from blood" means?

they feel a blood transfusion is "eating blood," which the Bible says we are not to do. yes, many JWs die rather than get a blood transfusion.

Why are the capitals of many countries the most populated?

Because originally there was a geographic feature that made people settle, and because there were many people it became the most influential, and because it's bigger, industry grows there, which brings more people.

Is it me or is it him?! Am i losing my boyfriend of 5 years?

Seek counseling for yourself if not for both of you. Your issues are too complex for untrained people. You will only find opinions and gossip on this forum. You need professional counseling. Seek counseling from a church minister if need be. Look on the internet for counseling in your area. Many of these agencies will provide services for little or no money based on your income ability. Do this. It may help you solve this.

Middle eastern vacation, any suggestions?

Beirut !! b/c no revolutions or political conflicts are taking place there ....great nightlife (It was voted Best Night-life City by the NY Times), great beaches and resorts, great caffes with delicious hookah's :P ! and DELICIOUS food ,u can also visit the ruins which are near Beirut (baalbek beit deen) and Jiita cave which was voted one of the "7 Natural Wonders of the World".. and most important, Great Liberal, welcoming, and open-minded people...ENJOY UR VACATION..

Please PLEASE help! In serious need.........???

2 days ago I got my 5 year old out to rie well not "out". But just riding her in the pature with a halter like a do sometimes. Granted she hadn't been ridden ridden just kinda lightly worked in the last 3 weeks every other day or ever 3 or 4 days. I got her halter on and hopped on. Started walking around in the pasture every thing was going fine, asked her to go into a trot every thing was okay she was listening, then BOOM! I asked her to go into a trot for the second time and she went into a bucking frenzy, I lost it on the third or foruth buck as I was bareback, I got up after I yelled a few words I will not repeat. Checked her back for pain checked her legs nothing she was fine, anyway. I got her out of the pasture today just to work on her, everything was going okay I got her to trot with no problem and walk with no problem. I wanted to take it easy as she seemed stiff NOT limping but stiff. So she started to lope I knew something was wrong right away. She loped three or four steps went into a bucking frenzy again. I hit so hard on the ground tonight I couldn't breath and we thought I had internal bleeding and are still waiting to see if I have to go to the hospital. As my mom is a nurse blah blah blah. After she threw me I wanted to get right back on, I even told my neighbor that came runnning and my mother and father I wanted back on right away. So I found her brought her back up and was going to get back on. But instead lunged her on the round pen until she was sweating(I let her have breaks). She then joined up with me........Which is a first for both of us. Anyway she is not in pain her tack fits I have checked her back her legs under her belly every where. There is no sign of pain or discomfert. She has never EVER acted like this. In the whole time she was being broken she only through me once. That was my fault though as I thought she was ready and I rushed and she wasn't. So I paid the rightful price for that. But i mean she is like a whole new horse she seems mean and just doesn't want near me anymore(well until we joined up tonight). No she is not in heat I have been watching since she threw me the first time. Did *I* do something wrong!? Could I have caused her to do this or? I have always been light with my hands and seat never have been rough. I don't know what to think. If it gets any worse or she seems worse I am gonna call the vet out and the chiro if the vet can't find anything wrong, to give her a check over. But I have no idea why she has acted like this.......Help please?

Guitar mini amp power troubles?

I have a fairly new Honeytone mini amp, a cheap little thing that is surprisingly nice for $20 or however much it was. it can either run on battery power or have a 9v adapter, but recently the adapter option just stop working, and the weird thing is if i have it run on battery and then plug in the adapter it will shut off. its not the adapters fault either.

This guy went off on me for no reason?! =(?

don't feel guilty, this guy wanted to sow his oats, and now he's surprised that you're doing the same. He's a jerk.

Need to decide which port for Greek Isle/Mediterranean cruise.?

We will be traveling summer 2012....Santorini and Ephesus are for sure. One cruise also goes to Rhodes but the other goes to Istanbul instead. Given all other factors are the same,do you have any insight as to which port would be better and why?

Is this enough to live on in Istanbul?

Hi, I'm not sure if anyone will know the answer here, but you can find information at this website I'm guessing you will be an english teacher? There are many resources on that site and people will know there.

Why do I feel so bad about my car accident?

I just got in a car accident today. It was not my fault, but I still feel depressed about it, it worries me, for some reason. I'm guess it's normal, but I would like some advice on how to feel better about it. Please write back soon.

Please help, people with legal experience preferably :)?

you can definately appeal, there is no question. but you will lose. you're supposed to read it, and now they are legally defended. sucked in :)

What vital national interest is at stake in Libya which would predicate putting US fighting men in harm's way?

No vital national interest. I cannot conceive of why we are there. When I hear people talk about the humanitarian angle, I have to ask- why now, why this country? There are other countries with a much worse problem than what is going on in Libya.

Anyone figure out what she means?

What were you two talking about that brought this up? From what you've written there is not one thing I can think of that she could be talking about...what kind of conversation were you two having?

What country in Europe did you enjoy the most?

So I am very interested in the history of Southern Europe(feel like a nerd). So me and my family want to go somewhere in southern Europe but i can't decide which country. I would like to see either Spain, Italy, Greece or Turkey (Istanbul), because they all have lots of historic places like the Hagia Sofia in Turkey, all those temples in Greece in Italy, and the castles and mosques in Spain. I really can't decide, help!

How do I say this without using is...?

Williams Carlos William’s short story “The Use of Force” presents how, in some situations force must acceptable to hurt someone when matters such as health are at stake.

Has the Roman Catholic Church ever issued official apologies or even "retractions" for burning parents at.....?

Typical anti-Catholic rhetoric based on the 1600's equivalent of the National Enquirer. Not worthy of a serious answer.

Are any Greeks in Turkey who have assimilated ?

I am aware that today there are about 2000 Greeks living in Istanbul and in two Aegean Islands. There two nations have a long history of hostitlity. Are any Greeks living in other parts of inland Turkey like Smyrna or Ankara? Are any Greeks who have assimilated and became Turks in name, culture, lifestyle, Muslims in religion and adopted a Turkish identity? In other words are any Greeks men or women who have completely assimilated into the Turkish society? (I am asking for the post-war years not in Ottoman era) Are any prominent Turks today in modern Turkish society who have a Greek origin? Are any intermarriages between Greeks and Turkish people in Turkey or in Greece? If yes it is more common for Greek women to marry Turkish men or the other way around?

Which Bollywood Film is this?

I was in Goa, India in February/March 2007. They were filming a movie at night on the beach and I am in the scene and desperately trying to find out the name of the film. In the scene a group of us were mourning our deceased friend. His body was being burned on stakes. I talked to someone on the set and asked him what the film was about. He said the film was about a book that changed three peoples lives. The book was possibly passed from person to person through used book stores. Any ideas?

When is it okay to move on?

I was divorced in march after almost three years of marriage, two baby girls. I have my faults. He was very angry, not affectionate, complainer, never helped, not even with the outside stuff, put his family and friends before me and my children and the list can go on and on. Still, despite all of this, it is hard for me to move on although he walked out on me after I refused to let his grown man friend live with us and free load for several months while I made the majority of the money. I felt like I could support my husband all day, but why should I support another grown man? Well, why can't i get over this man. He is still very angry and cold to me just like in the marriage. Is it because he was my first relationship? I've reconnected with a friend who is everything any woman would want in a man and I will not let myself get serious with him. I just want to be friends although the new guy wants me and my children. What is wrong with me? Am I just being careful or does my ex have some kinda control over me....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hey, where's all the people on this site who predicted the outcome of the Belmont Stakes?

After the Belmont I expected this site to be busy with comments/questions regarding the race. Are you all embarrassed by predicting the top contenders to do well? Where are you now ? How much did you lose : (

What advice would you give to this guy if he were your "friend"?

(A little background information first) - My boyfriend has a close friend that I've known for years. I actually knew him before I met my boyfriend from high school, but we didn't talk much. He asked me on a few dates, and I declined, because he wasn't my type. He was very hurt and offended by my rejection (even though I POLITELY declined) and he seems to have held it against me ever since. It's been five years. I'm still with my boyfriend and he's still close with this guy. He tries as hard as he can to be a jerk to me. He's always a smartalec, and he's always trying to prove me wrong. I don't let it get to me, I just ignore him and move on. I decided to give you that background information, so that you will understand why I'm reluctant on being "helpful" to him. He has recently been texting me, asking for advice. He's trying to hook up with a girl I used to know, which failed terribly, and now he's trying to get with a girl he works with. He's always asking me how he should approach them, and each time after he fails, he asks why, WHY does he keep failing at getting a girlfriend. Well the truth is....he's extremely obese AND his standards are WAY too high. And he's completely oblivious to this fact. Obviously, I won't tell him that's the reason he can't get a girl, but what SHOULD I tell him? I'm not saying obese people can't get love, but his standards are ridiculous. He keeps going for cute girls that are 5'4 and weigh 120, and he's 5'11 and weighs around 340. Is there a way to nicely tell him to lower his standards and maybe he'll get a girl? Or should I just keep pretending it's the girls fault when they don't accept his offer?

Are Christians in denial that a million medieval cats were burned alive because of Christianity?

Unfortunately black cats are still difficult to adopt out. I was at the county pet shelter last summer looking to adopt a cat and all the black ones were free since people usually just don't get black cats. And this is in the SF bay area which you would think is more progressive. I did eventually adopt a black cat, but from a rescue organization.

Did Jesus Really Die on a Cross?

Yes, Jesus died on a cross. Before 300 BC, the Greek word stauros originally meant an upright stake or pole, but after 300 BC it came to be used to also refer to a cross used for crucifixion. So at the time the New Testament was written, the word was also used to refer to a cross for crucifixion. The New Testament says Jesus was crucified, so He must have been crucified on a cross. The cross was the method of capital punishment used by the Romans in Jesus' time. On the third day Jesus rose again.

Why did God have to nail his son to a stake to forgive us for our sins?

If he's all-powerful and all-loving, don't you think he'd be able to forgive us without sacrificing someone? Yet alone, his son. Apparently, God is a single parent... *snickers*

Is there a point where you can raise the stakes on Pascal's Wager whereby it is absurd not to take the bet?

If the stakes were 4.7 quintillion in the lottery instead of a mere few tens of millions, why wouldn't you all reconsider wasting the time buying a ticket and checking results?

Would a 7.9 magnitude earthquake be the maximum for the San Andreas Fault?

well im not sure but if you notice that earthquakes dont really get smaller over tim plus if it overdue then yeah i would think its going to be very very big

Discovered I have a 4 year old daughter who was abused?

Right now Im 25 and a few years ago I was, to say the least, out of control. I was into drugs and I had a lot of flings with different women. In the last 3 years Ive been completely clean and I got my life back in order. However a few months ago one of my exes showed up at my place. She had a little 4 year old girl and she said she was mine. I could tell that she was still pretty messed up and I didn’t believe her that the kid was mine, but at the same time I felt really bad for the little girl and tried to get her and her mom to come inside. I was going to call the police because the little girl didn’t look like she was being taken care of and her mom was definitely on something when she showed up. I went to go get the little girl some water and when I came back the mom was gone and she had left her little girl. I called the police but I went to the police station with the little girl because they wanted to take my statement . I asked about the girl and started to wonder if she really was mine. We took a dna test and it turned out she’s my daughter. I feel so guilty that I didn’t know about this sooner. Her name is Maya and she’s so sweet even though she’s been through a lot of bad things. I recently won custody of her and now she lives with me. I tried to get her mom help but shes disappeared and no one has heard from her in months. Even though Maya is sweat and I love her very much I can tell that she’s very scared by all of this. She seems to trust me but she’s very nervous around people. She has scars on her back and im so appalled that no one took her away from her mother sooner and that no one realized that she was being abused. At the same fault I know that its my fault she was even in that situation to begin with and I hate myself for that. I want her to feel comfortable and happy and she is at times but she just gets so scared so easily. What can I do to help her adjust to all that is happening easier?

Can some please help me figure this out?

Soo.. My former best friend came to my town 4 years ago. She came on my birthday. She came in fifth grade, and in 6th we became inseparable. She was shy, funny, and together we were a perfect pair. I was the down to earth, level headed friend. And she was the crazy, outgoing, silly one. When I was with her I was more loose and relaxed... Anyways to the point.. In middle school she started to care too much about popularity and boys. She became.. Well a whOle new person.. I didnt care, I mean I did, but for the sake of our friendship I tried to see her as the same person. Freshman year we started to fight... A lot. We fought about everything.. Her new "friends". Her constantly ditching me. Her new choices. And her dad. He parents are divorced and her mom ran away with her when she was little.. She stayed with her mom until her mom had to go to jail. Then she came to my town and lived with her dad. Once her mom was out, and got back into her life, my friend started doing bad things. Her grades started droppIng and she started having sex with older guys, sneaking out with them, and drinking.. I have always been a good girl. I do fight with my parents but it's not bad. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't sneak out. I am to shy to even talk to guys my age let alone older ones. And never have I even thought about drugs. And my friend has always called me the braniac because I am always on the a honor roll and I love to read. So I decided I didn't want a friend who does all those bad habits. I told her this. And all freshman year I didn't talk to her. I had made new friends. We were all close. She made friends with another druggie (who also was the same girl who almost wrecked our friendship Many times) and started doing drugs. At the time thought my life was perfect. I had great friends and still on the A honor roll. Mean while my old best friend was doing drugs, screwing 21 year old guys, and going to juvie. Lately though I realize how miserable I am. My "amazing friends" barely ask me to hang out.. And I have no one to tell anything to.. I miss her so much.. And it's my fault she's not even my friend. After I stopped talking to her she tried so hard to be my friend. She begged and said shed changed but I said no. She's now has moved on and has a best friend druggie and she too is a druggie but 4 years of friendship and I miss her. I want to tell her I miss her and want to be her friend again.. But I'm scared. Because I know if I ask for her friendship back then eventually I'll ask her to stop doing drugs and older men and I'll ask her to give up her old druggie friends. But I can't do that to her. I'm the one who walked out on her and when I left her lonely for year, she made new good friends(even if they do drugs) and I dont think it's fair for me to ask to take that I being selfish? I miss her so much. And I want her friendship back so much. But can I do that? Can I just waltz back in her life, ask her to stop doing drugs, Smoking, drinking, sneaking out, screwing older men, and ask her to give up her druggy friends just because I want my old best friend back?

Transplanting Weeping Cherry Tree in the Summer?

you stand a very big risk of killing the tree moving it now.It is in it's grow, grow mode and moving it will cause it stress. Much better to wait until late autumn or early spring

Small bump in supermarket carpark?

Police will not do anything, the only time the police will act is if someone was seriously hurt and it does not sound like anyone was. Normally when this happens you have to sort it out right there and then. The longer it is left the harder it is to sort out. People have bumped me in the car park and I have driven them to a garage got a quote and made them pay it for me. If you go through the insurance it will cost you more in the long run but really you should speak to your insurance company for advice. Like i say i always sort it out by taking the person to the garage and get them to pay the quote or if it is not clear who's fault it is i get the garage to quote both cars and split the bill.

How to get through to my Sister.?

I was looking through my wallet and I have almost $50 gone! I always put a little purple dot on the edge of my money ( unless I'm at the mall or something and I get change then spend it like 3 mins later). I checked in my sister's wallet and there it was. little purple dot in the corner and everything. UHHGGG! She is not the worst sister ever but she just doesn't know when to stop. I once Was babysitting her and she wanted to go to her friends house but I said no because my mom told me to not let her go until she cleaned her room and took a shower. (which she hadn't done). She threw a fit. Tore up my bedroom, threw my phone, cracked the case and the screen ( my mom thinks it was my fault and won't let me get a new phone) and snuck out while I was watching TV. Such a pain.I've had enough! How can I get through to her?

My DOB is 17-dec-1991.birth time:12:10am.birth place:-ahemedabad,gujrat,india… will be my future??HELP PLZ?

How will be my job,life partner,and richness?? Me and my family facing much financial problems Even we dont ve own house.i m doing BE IN ECE WITH 1ST class. i m in love with one girl she is in our somedays ago we quarrelled.Fault is her.she is 1year older than me.I love her very much.. IN SHORT,,how will be my future??and when will i get married??

How to tell if shes still onto you?

I want to know if women will avoid you to see if you have changed, lately I'd be really nice to my ex then she would just not talk to me and I'd get man and start an argument, but I realize its my fault she left, she wasn't going to leave for good, she just wanted out the house and I got an attitude cause she kept leaving me with our daughter by myself, but cause I got attitude She didn't come back and its been a month, if I just play it cool do u think she will come back? The past few days I've been nothin but sweet to her even when she blows me off, u think its over or is she just testing me?

My mom always blames me for things when its not my fault and always wants last word?

My mom always screams at me and we always end up fighting about the most ridiculous things. Then she goes on and tattles on my dad saying that i have a bad attitude and that i like to fight which i don't! i have to shout to get my point across, and my mom tries to talk over me and interupt me. I can tell when my mom wants the lsat word when she always murmurs something when im trying to walk away and she gets pissed off when i talk back! Also, whenever i say something to her she always complains that im insulting or commenting, when she doesn't even know what an insult is. For example, when she misses a turn on the way to a friends house i said "mom you have to pay attention to the street signs" and she said "OH SHUT UP AND STOP INSULTING" then i said "that wasn't an insult" then she said "whatever". See, she even acts like a teenage brat to me i never say whatever to her, and she doesn't even say please and thank u to me!! If this does matter my parents are Pilipino and they grew up with strict "abusive" parents. What i mean by abusive is if my mom answered back to her dad she would get a slap in the face. My uncle on my dads side got tied up to a pole and got smacked by a belt by his dad D: I know im a teenager and this is when i change dramatically but i just don't want answers like "who buys your food" or "they put a roof over your head" I KNOW THAT. Im just going through so much stress right now.

I want to stop cutting myself?

i cut myself and i don't even know why. i want to talk to my doctor but i'm scared he'll tell my mother. i don't want to worry her or make her think it's her fault and i don't know what to do. is it possible that i can talk to my doctor without him telling my mom? or will he tell her because i'm a danger to myself or something?

Are racing officials doing anything to prevent horses going from stakes to plates?

I have been watching The Triple Crown, and have wondered if tracks do anything to prevent this? Is it left to the owners discretion?

I am a immigrant abused minor, what can I do to legally leave my family?

You are still a minor in the eyes of Texas and would have to file a criminal complaint of said abuse, they will investigate and depending what they find, most likely you will be taken to the state child services, then they will decide where to go with this next

Where Can i find ps3 600Tl in turkey?

Hey Im going to istanbul in the next 3 weeks and i want to get a ps3 there, A ps3 where i am is about 500 dollars so i want to get it cheaper but 600-650 TL is my budget does anyone know where in Istanbul i can get ps3 for such a price Thanx

Friday, July 15, 2011

How do I tell my parents that my ex of 7 years is willing to leave the country to be with me again?

You are an adult. Your parents will love you no matter what, and you have to make your own decisions! You tell them and be honest about your feelings. They will understand eventually, even if they are upset at first. In the meantime, you will live your life as an adult and show them that you are going to make it even if they have a different opinion.

If you almost get into a car accident, but avoid the collision, is that still illegal?

I was getting into the turn lane a little late today, and the lady behind me was speeding through to get into the turn lane as well, and when I was turning into it she almost hit me. I realize it was partially my fault for turning in so late, but since she almost hit me from behind (hah) it would've been considered her fault for speeding and not paying attention to my turn signal, right? Well, she wrote down my plates and I'm kind of nervous about her calling the cops about it. Would I be getting in any trouble for ALMOST getting into a collision? I'm normally a cautious driver and I'm just worried about getting a ticket that I can't pay for.

Why won't the WWE change John Cena heel?

They don't have another babyface that pulls in the ratings or the merchandise sales like John Cena does. There is no one for John Cena to pass the torch to, unlike others before him.

Christians what would you do if you died and met Horus?

The odds against me meeting Horus are astronomical. I would have to be mummified after death then buried with what I needed in the afterlife. My car, my hair blower?

I want to seek help for my eating disorder,but im scared it will cost my family too much in bills?

Does therapy and help cost a lot? Or does insurance cover it? Im not underweight but I've been pretty close and I have a lot of disorted eating habits and im extremely strict with excerise scared off weight gain ... these past weeks I've developed a bad habit of binge eating til im sick and trying to cut calories low the next day til. Feel really hungry and binge more. I want to look for help but im scared its gonna be a high price and my parents will have a heavy burden and it will all be my fault.

I have a flight to Thessaloniki on August (17 days): what places do you recommend?

Thessaloniki is a beautiful city , and small you can probably see the most important sights in two or three days . You can find the best greek souvlaki there and also don't forget to visit Terkenlis bakery , it's famous for it's loaf and desserts :) . You should enjoy taking long walks by the magical seaside and also go shopping . There are some great traditional markets you could visit ... -> those are some of the most important historical sights . Visiting Halkidiki is a great idea , it's only a 1 hour drive approximately and it's full of amazing crystal clear beaches :)

Would I be unfair to my brother?

Maybe you can go to live with your aunt for a while while your brother is financially stable enough to take care of all of you. It might be hard at first, but just think that all of you will be together at the end :)

My Boyfriend has DAD issues. 0.0 help?

My boyfriend had a fight with his dad which happened last Christmas. I can't say the story though but the blame is on the dad. The rest of their family also got mad at him but later on they forgave him, except for my boyfriend. One day, his mom told me to talk to my bf about it so that things would be normal again. I tried, many times.. Even before his mom talked to me I already convinced him to forgive his dad and to make things right. But he keeps on saying that it was his dad's fault and that he will never say sorry. There was even a time that my boyfriend got a bit pissed with me for forcing him to make amends with his dad. It's funny that his dad is not apologetic at all even though he knows he was the one who made a mistake. Ego, i guess. It's been 6months since my boyfriend and his dad talked, and i'm really worried about it. Honestly i don't want to intrude since it's family matters but i somehow became a part of it because their mom already asked for my help. I feel pity for their mom because she doesn't know also what else to do.. can anybody give me some advice? thanks..

Is it likely that the Iceland volcano will effect my flight?

No, very unlikely, your flight route is well south of where the cloud may end up. It's making its way southwest.

Why do pro bass fisherman of now-days behave as if they had an orgasm when they catch a fish ?

i know lots of $$$ is at stake, but you'd think they'd have a little pride and not behave like over-dramatic reality Tv idiots. Is this the new age of fishing gone amok ?

Zombie Poem....Comments please?!?!?

Wow that's a long poem.... But i'd have to say that it's a little scary. Especially the parts about how the zombies eat the children.

What small cap stocks (particularly $4-$8 range) are YOU waiting to pop?

For example, I own a stock which I am waiting until Friday for it to release information on setting an IPO date for a company it has a stake in in Sweden. I expect this stock to surge when that news is released.

What is the best hotel with swimming pool in Istanbul?

At what wind speed mph would you consider?

I almost never guy-line out my tent. If the anchor stakes and all of my gear cannot hold my tent, then I should not be there, either. In 40 MPH winds in the tundra, my tent has not rolled until I removed my gear and anchors, then I chased it across a couple of football fields' worth of tundra meadow at 12,500 feet. Running can be difficult across a tundra meadow and boulder field at 12,500 feet.

How does this excerpt from my novel sound?

Oooh I like the tension. A build up to a killing is always good and leaves time for the victim to escape..resulting in a creepy chase scene :D Paha..I love it. :D

(WWE) How good was the Tornado tag team match on Raw?!?

This was an awesome match. One of the best id say we've seen in the a long time! I think the best aspect was the crowd involvement (FOR ONCE)... not that its the crowds fault that the wwe sucks. But the crowd was really into it, which was great to see and hear again. A pretty decent crowd pop at the end after the pin count too.

Should I tell my family I am gay?

Hey all,I am 15 years old and I am gay.I live in Turkey and being gay or lesbian is legal here but people are often homophobic.Family members are Muslim but they are modern like the majority in Istanbul but there are many homophobic people in Turkey.I don't know my family members are homophobic or not but I feel like I should tell I'm gay to my family.Maybe my mom and sister can understand but I don't think my father will understand me.Mom and father lives separate,maybe this is an advantage for me,I'm staying with my mom and sister.I'm afraid of they can reject me when I tell I'm gay.Should I do it? :(

Do you consider Turkey to be culturally and ethnically a West Asian country?

As Turkey has a majority Muslim population that to me is an Asian/Middle Eastern country, woe betide we allow them to join the EU, mass Islamification of Europe on an unprecedented scale

Does anyone know any hotels in Istanbul, Turkey?

I need to know hotels that are very near the Blue mosque and are three to four star with three beds. Im going on a family trip

Budapest, Istanbul, or Scottland?

I've been all over Europe, but looking to hit a new spot with a friend. Which of these will be most fun for food, bars, and adventure? and why?

Is his premature ejaculation my fault?

It kinda sounds like he's being selfish and using you as his excuse. Listen to the doctor. Don't try to change yourself. It's not your fault. If he's extremely turned on by your wetness ask him to masturbate often to help him wait longer or you can pleasure him yourself and then have sex about an hour later. Or he could even wear a condom to help.

Middle east vacation? any advice?

my family would like to visit istanbul, cairo, jerusalem and maybe petra jordan in a 2.5 week vacation. any tips for things we should see? anything off the beaten path?

How to get a summer job in Istanbul Turkey ? for an Egyptian student?

I am in the first year after prep in my University and i was hoping for spending my holiday in Istanbul. So i was asking if anyone knows how to get a summer job so i can afford my accomodation there ? forexample, hotel, restaurant, office work, any proper thing :)

Isn't this contridictive to our belief as well as not biblically supported? HELP?

Mormonism does not and never has been in a communion with the Christian family. Protestantism, Orthodoxy, and Catholicism all have ties in Baptism and Matrimony that bring us into a unity, if only loose. My immediate reaction would be to start looking at CAF, Catholic answer forums, and ask questions there under non-catholic religions. Your faithwalk needs to start in a nurturing environment, and there isn't a much better place (except in person with a priest) than there.

How can i go to Bakirkoy from taksim square in Istanbul?

You can take bus or taxi or shared cab to go to Taksim. Alternatively, take the suburban train to Sirkeci and take the tram from Sirkeci to Kabatas then the funicular to Taksim from Kabatas.

Car accident with no insurance?

I was stopped at a red light behind two cars. Both cars started to go and so did I the next thing I knew I had hit the car in front of me. The car in front of me hit the car in front of him. We all pulled over my car isn’t to bad but I drive a suburban, the car in front of me was a smaller car so his looked a little worse. Nobody was hurt, and all cars were drivable, so we decided to not call the police we just all exchanged information. After we had finished and they left I immediately called my insurance lady to let her know what happened. I am not super clear on this next part, we have been going back and forth with our insurance since that call and will continue to fight it. When I called the insurance lady she said I wasn’t covered. She said that they had received the last payment much later than it was due (not sure how because it was mailed the same time as always) but because of that our insurance had been cancelled. A couple of weeks ago they had chased our check, she said we were reinstated as of yesterday (the day of the accident) but because it was the same day they weren’t liable to pay the damages. We are going to keep fighting them because I don’t think its fair. Even if they decide that they won’t pay we can afford to just pay for the damages to the rear end of the car in front of us, because know matter what happened I am at fault for following to close. We can’t afford to pay out of our pocket also for his front end and the rear end of the first car. Shouldn’t those damages be covered by the car I hit because he was obviously following to close to the car in front of him? I’m a little freaked out with all this, this is the first accident I have ever been in and we have always had insurance, so we thought. The insurance company did say they mailed us a cancellation notice but if they did we have never received one.

Is Arnavutkoy (Istanbul - Turkey), a nice area to live in?

What other nice areas are there in Istanbul or around it, with good neighborhoods? Some friends recommended an area called 'Pendik'... pls help ;)

I need answers!! Its worse everyday and idk what to do?

Okay, My family is not the best. not close and nothing but drama. i know every family has its own faults but this is out of hand, my sister and mom has never had a close relationship and my mom has tried so hard to change that but my sister continues to be a b**** to her. Recently something happened and mom said call me and she just says no, don't want to talk! That's pretty s***y that she would say something like that to her own mom. she has always been this way. I just want them to have a close relationship. I hate to see my mom hurt and she easily gets her feelings hurt but my sister doesn't seem to care. I just don't know what some things that we can do to change this! It is a mess. I have never seen a daughter and mother relationship so bad.

Has the Roman Catholic Church ever issued official apologies or even "retractions" for burning parents at.....?

Typical anti-Catholic rhetoric based on the 1600's equivalent of the National Enquirer. Not worthy of a serious answer.

I need (long distance) relationship advice?

First off, do you even know her? Like, have you ever met her before in your life...if you haven't, i can see why her mom dosen't want you seeing her..too many phedophiles out there today.

Cain supporters, What do you think of him now that he is in anti 2nd amendment?

He didn't say Congress couldn't he said they shouldn't. We have state gun laws now, my state of Florida makes me have a permit to carry. I think it's more of screwup, and no i'm not supporting Ron Paul now.

Switched seats after an accident and lied about driving, HELP?

My friend got in an accident a few days ago and he was in the car with his friend. There were only driving 10 mph in stop n go traffic and a cop got behind them. The driver kept looking in the rear view mirror because the cop was behind him and the car in front of him slammed on his breaks and her smashed into him. The car in front was a Lexus and has a few scratches but his car is completely smashed since it's a Toyota. They pulled over and the passenger jumped out and ran over to the driver side and the driver jumped into the passenger seat so it looked like the original passenger was driving. They did that because the original driver didn't have a license. Now the passenger doesn't want to have a point on his record but we looked it up and you can get in trouble for lying about driving. Are all at fault accidents points on your record? And can you get in trouble for lying in the police report? Any advice is appreciated since the driver wants his insurance just to cover it but he doesn't his friend to go down for what he did.

Is Mr Sir Fergie mad...?

as a liverpool fan, i am happy that they won the CL in 2005 and was a great match too but that time liverpool isn't the top 2 teams in europe, while barca and man utd won their leagues respectively which makes it a CL match to look forward too, man utd are still getting stronger even without ronaldo which makes it special, plus its in 1 of the best stadiums in the world

Am I crazy or what? (advice anyone)?

I've had this problem since senior year. I hired two boys to model for me, for my paintings one time back in 2007. when I asked them they were very kind and said yes. I asked them to meet me in front of the school at lunch time. I was sort of geeky and over wheight back then and I never thought they would come. but when I showed up there they were wating for me so then I started drawing them. when I was done they went on there way. both of the guys were so sweet and nice. at that time I was'int intrested in boys. Then we all graduated from school and I rememberd the painting I made of the two guys and then I began taking the sketches that I drew of them and I made saperate paintings. belive it or not I I began to fall for one of the paintings of one of the guys. the more I painted him the more it grew on me. to this day I have feelings for the guy. it's been 4 years later and of course I've lost wheight and I still like him. I dream about him more than any other person. but foutunatly he's got a girlfriend, I know this because I'm his friend on facebook. his girlfriend is beautiful and she has a nice smile. usualy girls hate the girlfriends of the one they like. but I'm not that way infact I'm happy for her because she has a wonderful boyfriend and it's not her fault it just happend for her. she must be very special to have a kind person like him. so am I crazy to like someone for 4 years strait or just crazy for falling for a guy in my paintings. who knows..... I just wish he would know how I felt.... (advice anyone)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How can i find software engineers to team up on building a startup?

Is there a craiglist-type site where I can partner with software developers? I can't pay much and hoping they can take equity stakes as we build our startup.

What do I do? Boyfriend problems...?

I have been dating a guy for 3 weeks and we had a date planned today. Well he was supposed to get off of work early and I wound up waiting all day for him. I told him that I was mad but not at him because its not his fault he was at work. Then he got off and still had time to come talk to me in person for a bit and all I really wanted was for him to come over and give me a hug and tell me it would all be okay. Despite me being alone all day, I still wanted to see him. Well we had been texting all day and then he just disappeared on me. I thought maybe he was eating. But now I know he just went to bed without telling me or anything. So earlier, I had texted him saying "maybe tomorrow" and he told me he wanted so bad to see me, which I just kind of blew off because I don't think it was sincere. Anyway, we might be hanging out tomorrow and I'm afraid that it will be awkward because of today. Please help me! What do I do? How do I act?

Do i Have to claim my luggage again in Istanbul if I am transit and flying trhgouh Istanbul?

Yes when you go through customs in IST they'll have you grab your bags, bring them through with you and then take them again once you get through customs. It's not as bad as people think, i probably had mine for a total of twenty minutes before i checked it in again. The chances of you losing your bags again are slim to non. I've traveled internationally too many times to count this last year and i've lost mine a total of once. Good luck and there's nothing to be confused about they'll walk you through the system.

Is it normal to feel alone? ?

It is normal to feel alone. As you get older you will realise how right that you are to think that way.If others don't like it then fvck them.

I lost my best friend...its all my fault

me and my friend have been friends for almost 3 years now...she has a brother thats 2 years old then us and i found out like a month ago that he liked me and my friend told me to stop talking so i did and we went back to normal..then i went back over there and we all hung out and it was i never liked her brother or even thought about it...anyway when i got back home i texted her brother just to ask a question and we ended up talking and he thought i liked him, i dont then i told him i had to go cause i didnt want to lose her by talking to him...tthen he cussed me out (said i was a lying *****) and said he didnt like me anymore and that he was gonna show my friend all the texts and stuff....i sent my friend a text say what happened and that i was sorry..i think i lost her as a was all my fault i know....i need help please /:

IWhat should I buy in Runescape with 330M? (P2P)?

I have been staking lately, and this is overwhelming to me as a lvl 93 with no 99 skills. I have never had this much before and would like individual suggestions as to what you would do if you were in my situation...

Does this article tell the truth about the GM bailout and loan repayment?

Obama has the Unions in his pocket.....or do the Unions have Obama in their pocket......Well either way Obama & the Unions are playing pocket pool in each others pockets!

Would people in Turkey have a problem if Europeans started moving to their country?

It wouldn't be a problem I think, but I never imagine Turkey will join the EU in the future...I suggest Turkey to stay away from the EU because the time for the EU to collapse is coming soon...

Im having a nervous break down because of herpies :(?

Ive just been diagnosed with herpies :( and im only 17 i know its my own fault but what can i do about it now :'( ive never cried so much in my life... Its not going to be okay is it :( I keep reading loads of things on here and other websites, like asking questions and its making me worse and worse, now ive just read that if you had a partner they can still catch it even when using protection, so basically its saying to me that i cant have a family and have a sexual partner, i feel like comitting sucide i really do. People are also saying well i wouldnt advise you to have sex with someone with herpies, how do you think thats going to make me feel? :( makes me feel like im nothing just a virus. I really like a boy but i dont want to now because im frightened i pass it on or rejection :( my lifes ruined dont know what to do :( im actually so depressed i could kill myself :'( but i really dont want to its just because i have this, what can i do? i know you might say see a counciller but thats not going to do much, i need hope :(

Why cant i get wet?! help?!?

for the past 2 weeks or so i cannot get wet before sex. ive been dating my boyfriend for a year now, and im extremely attracted to him! i get horny mentally, but when we go to have sex im just not wet. i started taking a new birth control pill about 2 months ago, but this is recent. im only 14 but dont judge me for it. i dont want my sex life to suffer from this and i dont want him to think its his fault. what should i do?! :(

Should I be upset in this? Are my actions uncalled for?

It sounds like you should maybe give it a few more days before you become upset with her. Remember, its hard to express yourself online/via phone because you aren't picking up each others body language. It could all just be a misunderstanding at this point.

Can treated wood posts be used for stakes in a vegetable garden?

I need to put stakes into the vegetable garden for tomatoes. Will treated wood contaminate the vegetables?

Hey How Do You Get Back Naked Pictures of Yourself Over Cyber Space?

I made the stupid mistake of putting up a picture of myself naked on craigslist in the men's section. I was seeing somebody at the time to, I told her about it but I don't think she really understood what exactly it was I did lol I didn't have sex with any of these people I was just in a really really dark and lonely place in my life and I sent out the picture as a mental relief, it was weird I guess I just wanted the attention. I didn't know what I was doing and I just want to leave the past behind and forget about what I did this year without this empty feeling at the pit of my stomache lol. Is there any way I can get them back? My happiness is at stake here.

Did you know that some people burn LIVING puppies to death to eat them?

I have never heard about the puppies before this article but abut chicken I have heard than Nepali People boil them alive in their big frying pan.

Transit In Istanbul for 15Hours?

Im going to Turkmenistan from KLIA and i have to transit in Istanbul. This will be two different flight and the waiting period will be 15hours in Istanbul. i am curious whether i can go out of the airport in Istanbul or i have to stay in the waiting lobby for 15 hours?

Why will Personal Assistant not stay as it was set up?

PA will not stay set up the way I want it. One day I went to read my email and then returned to my home page. PA had reset itself using some initial settings. Have a brand new notebook and encountered the same problem from day one. Yahoo says its my computer's fault. They want me to shut down my anti-virus program. When nothing else works, just blame the accuser.

I want to go to school and become a nurse, but I have no education whatsoever?

Okay, so as of right now, I am 19 years old and working close to full time at a grocery store. I was home schooled, but my mom never taught me anything. I'm not stupid, though, I just wouldn't be able to follow grade 12 work. I don't have a high school diploma or anything to show that I graduated. Problem is, I want to become a nurse, and now that I am 19, and will be already 20 years old next year, I would like to start trying to make something of myself. This is all very discouraging, and it isn't even my fault. How do I fix this and get started on becoming a nurse?

What would be my winnings?

Sorru for being an idiot, but what would be my total winnings including stake for a �50 e.w single on a 4-1?

Outlet near

which are the factory outlets near Istanbul which offer best prices for international and Turkish brands near the

I KILLED HIM ? should i go to the funeral ?

i am 21 y/o i was with my bf for 4 years he was madly inlove wid me. i wasn't but i couldn't break up cz i couldn't break his heart . but after 7th time he cheated on me i got enough , and he was crying and begging and i just was the biggest ******* ****** jerk on this planet and pushed him away , he got so angry and he beat the crap out of me i was bleeding i told him i hated him and been contemplating breaking up for months, he just got that look in his face and left ............. he shot himself going 120mph on the highway ! and its all my fault his friend texted me saying " nice work " should i go to the funeral ? they are w8tin for his bro who is in U.S to come i have been crying for 5 days i need help should i go ?.....his parents don't know he is gay and i am 21 and he is 25 would they suspect cz we hung out alooot

I want to make a Hay Maze but i need help.?

I have the layout already. But how will i keep the hay bales that are staked on top of each other from falling over.

Is my mother at fault? how am i supposed to behave?

Who pays the bills???? There you go. She is an adult with experience and has dealt with things that you probably cant imagine at your age. As much as you hate to hear it now, you will probably understand later in life.

How to live and work in Germany for a US Citizen?

Very possible. get a self employment visa. More details and lots of links are here, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can you stop in a lane of traffic on the highway?

I was driving in three lane traffic on the highway,I was the third car.The first car had stopped in the lane of taffic to use his cell phone,causing car two to hit him and the guard rail and me to hit car two. I live in Massachusetts and when I spoke to car one's insuance company she told me that in the state of Massachusetts if you hit a parked car, no matter where it is parked it would be my fault.That does not seem right or that it should apply to freeway driving.I have been looking on the internet but I can't find anything that pertains to stopping on a highway. I am really hoping that someone will know of something that will help me out. I dont have collision (stupid I know) or towing so my galant is sitting at the towing comp. collecting storage fees.Also the cop did not file his report yet so I cant even get a copy of that to see if it helps,hes gone till friday :( So thank you in advance for ANY help :)

What should about this girl i like?

So we've been friends for about a year and we've recently been texting each other...just polite conversation though. But i'm certain she either doesn't like me and is just being nice to me or she just wants for be friends. But i can't stop thinking about her and it has actually gotten to the point where i'm getting stressed out - i fear my sanity is at stake here. My friends tell me to think about another girl or something along those lines - but i can't simply do that...i mean, this girl who i like is pretty much the perfect girl, i would be crazy to not think about i've decided that i have two choices to make. Choice A would be that i tell her i like her and just hope she doesn't reject me too hard so that i don't fall into a deep depression OR choice B would be to stop talking to her for about a week or two and see if the only reason why i've been thinking about her is because we've been talking a lot. If there is another way i don't know about i'd be glad to hear it - but of those two which one should i do?

Should the US ever get involved in a conflict if there are no vital national interests at stake?

Is "humanitarianism" good enough of a reason to put US soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines in harm's way?

Cat has heart murmur... wat do?

Sugar has been vomiting since last night and we brought her in to the vet this morning. We paid $700 just for a night stay and xray but now the doctor told us she has a heart murmur and that she needs an ultrasound to see if it's the cause of the vomiting. Moreover, the technician for the ultrasound machine is not here till tomorrow and she might not live that long so we could take her to the emergency clinic. I don't know how much it'll cost for either and I also don't want to be a dick and compare prices with my cat's life at stake. I love her so very much however I have like $1000 left in savings. Wat do?

Why do women care less about sex?

Is it because they have more at stake than a man (unwanted pregnancy) ? Is it because women that sleep around are seen bad by society ? Why do women care less about sex than a man ?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

English help? What does this mean.?

Brackets in a quote indicate material inserted or altered by the person using the quote. This material usually make the meaning clearer or corrects grammar. In the case you have presented, it adds part of the persons name to make identification clearer. It can also be used to change capitalization if needed.

My friend testified in court against two girls who had baseball bats and tried to run her over with a car.?

The girls were convicted of aggravated assault and sent to prison. That night four male relatives of the convicted broke into my friend's place, had guns and pistol whipped her nearly to death. The police responded and she was taken to the hospital. Now my friend refuses to identify the men to the police, for fear of her life. I think she needs to identify them so they can be taken off the street, but it is not my life that is at stake. How can she be protected from relatiation if she identifies photos and appears in court to testify against the men? Should we follow her instincts and just forget about it?

Middle east vacation in december?

i know it won't be super hot, but my family would like to go to the middle east over winter break in december. jerusalem and istanbul are definitely on the list...we have 14 days. should we go somewhere else too? we also would like to sleep out in the desert one night..has anyone done this and can give advice? thank you!

Istanbul, Turkey. What is the coolest thing I can do while in the city? Not touristy...bragging rights.?

I want to do something that people will say wow about. I'm still going to Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, etc. But I want the insider info...what is something that I can't miss out on, but most people don't know about?

Why am I so stunning?

I'm so stunning but girls hate me I know their jealous of me but it's not my fault I'm pretty. What shall I do everyone. I dunno what to do cause I'm a model and all these boys stare at me :(

My freken neighbors keep shooting a gun in their back yard every night.?

I'm not one of those annoying neighbors who complains about your party on a Sat. Night but I live alone with my baby and the stupid ghetto *** neighbor that's connected to my back yard has been shooting a gun everynight for over 3 mons always at like 12 am. That guys also growing corn back there which makes it more creepy... Have called the cops several times and even saw the ghetto bird stake out the back yard after I called once, I'm scared to confront em WTF should I do?!

Any ideas how to check-in a 27" iMac for an overseas flight?

Purchase a large Pelican case. They're designed for that and they're lockable. Pad it well and you'll be fine. Many commercial corporations as well as the U.S. Military use Pelican Cases to transport their sensitive electronics during flights.

A newly planted tree is supported against the wind by a rope tied to a stake in the ground?

The force of the wind, though distributed over the tree, is equivalent to a single force F, as shown in the figure. Find the tension in the rope. Assume that neither the tree's weight nor the force of the ground on the tree's roots produces any significant torque about point O. (Let F = 134 N, D = 1.90 m and d = 1.26 m.) the picture has the F at the top of the tree D is the height to the top of the tree and d is the height at which the rope is tied off. F goes in the opposite direction of the rope sorry i dont know how to add pictures

Will failing one class kill my chances of getting into a good graduate school?

it will probably bring u down in schools but if u still have a 3.75 thts still rly good so yea u can still get in with just one class falied u still have high grades othere then tht one

Nerede istanbul'da uygun fiyat ile guzel elbise satin alabilirmiyim?

Many stores starts the sales in early July. Try Vakko, Beymen, Park Bravo. There are also many outlet malls you can buy affordable, great selection of nice dresses all year round.

Is there any Interline baggage agreement between Air France and Delta Airlines?

Yes there is an interlining- as well as a codeshare-agreement between Air France and Delta. Your luggage will be checked through from Istanbul to Atlanta but in Atlanta you will have to drag it through customs by yourself and after the their facilities their will be a luggage belt where you can leave it for your connection.

Teacher confiscated my ruler, what should I do?

You tell the truth. You have written the speech here in your post The teacher has something to answer for, keeping or losing your ruler.


You should amend your travel plan and first get to the central American country (Honduras or whatever) from the United States. In this case your exit after three weeks is properly documented and you should not have a problem to re-enter the U.S. for departure in November from Mexico on your British passport. No need to pay an additional $14.00 to change the passports..

My mom pulls the "I'm the one who gave birth to you" card whenever I try to talk to her?

There is something wrong with your mom. She needs some help with counseling and maybe even a small amount of rehab. If you don't feel comfortable living with your parents, and you feel like your being abused, your able to go to your local court, and get some sort of paper signed by a judge allowing you to move out with another family member or friend that has a suitable and safe living environment as a 16 year old.

I need help my drinking has made me do things I regret .....?

Last weekend I drank a lot more than I should have. I drank so much I ended up living the club by myself and ended up in the back seat of a guys car a guy I didn't even know. I think we had sex no I know we had sex. I was so far gone I don't even know if the guy used a condom. I don't even know how I made it home. The next day I went and got the morning after pill just to be safe but what if I end up pregnant. After this I wanna stop drinking and try to control myself I feel like such a slut. I feel everyone thinks I'm a whore or something like that. I cant talk to anyone about this, not my parents or my friends they would just judge me and tell me its my fault. I thinks that's because I had sex with a friend another time I was drunk. I'm afraid people will find out I come from a small town and I would just die if people start finding out. I don't know what to do anymore. Please help

Pregnant and alone, advice please?

You need a support person, but you need to ask yourself will you be happier with or without the baby..... It's a hard choice but you don't want to resent having had the kid... Hope it helped

Which country is the best?

You ask which country is best then go on to list cities. My favourite country to visit is Switzerland, but for the mountains, not any city.

How much should the woman in a relationship contribute to the household finances?

I have been living with my boyfriend for over 3.5 years. During the last 3 years I was a full-time student and he footed most of the bills while I did all of the cooking, cleaning, yardwork..etc. Now that I'm out of school and employed, he expects me to pay for half of the finances (and still do all of the cooking, cleaning, yardwork) even though he makes over twice as much as I do. Also, my name is not on the title so I don't have a stake in the house. I feel like I'm getting ripped off here. Please share your thoughts! Thank you.

Hey How Do You Get Back Naked Pictures of Yourself Over Cyber Space?

I made the stupid mistake of putting up a picture of myself naked on craigslist in the men's section. I was seeing somebody at the time to, I told her about it but I don't think she really understood what exactly it was I did lol I didn't have sex with any of these people I was just in a really really dark and lonely place in my life and I sent out the picture as a mental relief, it was weird I guess I just wanted the attention. I didn't know what I was doing and I just want to leave the past behind and forget about what I did this year without this empty feeling at the pit of my stomach lol. Is there any way I can get them back? My happiness is at stake here. And yes I know I'm a pervert lol I just made a stupid mistake

Help with what im being asked to write a paper about?

"situation" probably refers to it's present state, (Economy, demographics, etc.). Athens probably has a LOT of info in terms of its history, as does Jerusalem, simply because they have been around and on record for so long. Rome , Baghadad, Istanbul and New York would also be good choices. Paris is a decent choice, but so much of its history is off-record and hard to find.

JUST found out my girl friend is pregnant!!!?

Ive been posting that i didnt know if shes pregnant and she went to the doctors and SHE IS! Im freaked out because were both 19 and she already has a child. Aubreys parents want us to slit up but i love her and this is my fault. She is debating weither to get an abortion or not since we are in college and she already has a 9 month old. What do we do?

I would ask Christians, do penance is a lie?

What is "do penance" and how is it a lie? I really dont like the Bible verses since they probably arent relevent to your topic.

Will Turkey's June 12 elections have an effect on Turkey?

I have just lived in Turkey and there is no problem about elections. I think elections won't be have an effect on anything which you make you afraid. Be cool. Turkey is different muslim country,also better than many Europe countries. Enjoy your Turkey visiting.

Does wladimir klitchko's legacy depend big time on beating david haye?

wladimir is the ring magazine champ and currently holds the ibf, ibo and the wbo belt. i believe wladimir is also the longest reigning champ for ibf, wbo and ibo. this is something that wont easily be duplicated, he also amassed 49 KOs in 55 wins and despite this impressive resume, some still question his place in the history of the sports,, some question "what has been his most notable win"? will a win against a high caliber opponent in haye solidify wlad's claim to greatness? though personally i believe wlad is one of the best and it is not his fault that he's fighting in a weak era, his domination to me is enough to put him up there, i believe wlad needs this fight, this is going to be his biggest challenge and he needs to win to prove his doubters wrong,, your thoughts please? thanks and y'all have a great day!

A pity I didnt get to experience istanbul 2005 final on tv?

I wasnt a Liverpool supporter then. How do I get over the fact that I missed out on the greatest football final of all time?

Turkish please : Is dolmabahce palace worth visiting than Hagia sophia?

Actually you should go both. Distance is just 5 km and i guess you wont spend much time inside Hagia Sophia... Probably 1 hour in Hagia Sophia. On the other hand Dolmabahce Palace is always nice to visit. But first visit Dolmabahce Palace then move to Hagia Sophia. Coz you might able to see a few more places around Hagia Sophia like The Basilica Cistern or Blue Mosque they are just near to each other. I guess you can finish the tour in 4 or 5 hours and see all of 'em.

Why did liberals all start lying about Michelle Bachman en masse only when the liberal media began?

Reporting her idiotic remarks isn't a campaign of personal destruction. It's normal reporting. She gets castigated for comparing herself to a serial killer. Obama gets castigated for getting theh umber of states wrong.

Where does wild catnip grow?

I am not talking about in America. I mean globally. I just went hiking in Istanbul, Turkey, and my cat is obsessed with something he smells on my pants near my waist. I walked through a lot of bushes, shrubs, and greenery. I am wondering if there was maybe some catnip that I walked through, or?

How can I fit in while still being myself?

As someone who is also different and was made fun of a lot i have learned to accept my differences and make them be what other people admire about me. i also work with children at my church and get along better with the kids and older people but barely know anyone my own age but I'm happy to be me and i don't care how others see me i know who i am and that's what matters :) why fit in when you can stand out?

Is there another thing i could use?

I wanna fry some stake, but i ran out of cooking oil. Is there something else i could use. Also, can i put cubed stake in the oven?

I gave up on gambling and need a new hobby?

After 15 years of high stakes gambling I have decided to call it quits. My wife and I currently train in muay thai but I need another hobby for those later hours of the evening when I used to spend my time playing poker or other casino games. Any suggestions on another activity?

Motherboard not recognizing drives?

I have a Gigabyte M/B that does not recognize a SATA HD & a SATA optical drive. What is the most likely cause? Hardware fault? BIOS setup mistake? I would like to hear from experienced builders.

If Israel should have to return it's land to Palestine should Istanbul return it's land to Constantinople?

It's only fair after all, does the fact that it's a bunch of whiny Islamic supremacists leading the "destroy Israel" movement make them somehow more "precious" than the Romans?

Why am I so jealous?

One of my really close friends is now going out with the guy I like, and they're perfect for each other. The guy has liked her for a long time, and I can't blame him- she's the perfect girl. I was really close friends with the guy two years ago, before he knew her. We kind of drifted apart, and it was partly my fault because I didn't talk to him much but he didn't talk to me either. And I think he completely forgot that I exist. Because he forgot that I was in two of his classes, even after eight months. Yeah... But as hard as I'm trying to be happy for them, I can't and I feel so shitty. How can I just not be jealous? It doesn't help that I've never gone out with anyone before. I'm not ugly and I have been asked out, but I just didn't like the guys that asked me out. Not like the "I'm to good for you" thing, I just had no feelings whatsoever for them. Advice? I feel like I'll never ever meet "the one." So tired of waiting.

PLEASE HELP!!!! My eyes are at stake!?

Okay so since I'm an idiot..I accidentally slept with my contact lenses in. This morning I woke up not realizing this and put in another pair of contacts over them. It is now the evening and I was able to take out the extra pair I put in...and then I realized that I could still see properly and I could feel my other contacts in there and they won't get out!!!!! All the doctors are closed now and tomorrow is sunday!! I have tried taking them out and have tried putting some solution in them nothing works! HELLPPPPP!!

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!. Career on stake!!!!!.?

after b-tech in power engineering, should i go for mba, m-tech,ms,ias or c.a? Which one is the most profitable that is less input but maximum salary package? Money is the only factor to be considered!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Where is the mother church of the Orthodox Christian Churches?

Would it be in Rome? Moscow, perhaps? Istanbul [Constantinople]? Being that both Catholic and Orthodox Churches were the One Holy Christian Church before 1054.

How is this prologue? Do you feel the emotion? Where should I edit it?

I loved the first paragraph. It is a very dramatic and intense death scene. I like the details and the intricacies of a potential vampiric death. It seems to take longer than is traditional but it is wonderfully vivid. The rest of it (for me) is teen romantic drivel. I don't have a problem with her loving a vampire it is just the extremism of it all. He being the only vamp she could ever stand, the only one she ever loved because he was a good vampire? I have a problem with animal blood drinking vamps when he could just get some from a local blood bank. But otherwise this kindly vampire thing doesn't sit well with all readers of vampire lore.